Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Frustrating Fights

Have you ever put so much effort into something, to try again and again and again, but come up with nothing to show for it? That's kinda what I felt a little bit today when I did the next part of the Pandarian Legendary quest chain.

Spoilers aside, it's an intensive and EXTREMELY tough fight (which I still haven't completed as of this post), that did nothing but frustrate me to the point that I had to go cool off and do some fun quests instead :D... until I got back to the legendary quest and my frustration started all over again ^_^

And to add insult to injury, of the countless times I have done this quest fight thus far and died, I've had to spend 300 gold. Doesn't help when you're trying to save up for something cool instead :)
Anyway, I'm sure I'll find some weakness to the fight that I can exploit, and when I do, this quest is mine to complete ^_^

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