Monday, August 26, 2013

World of Warcraft Weekly Goals (WoWWG?)

I love World of Warcraft :) So much so, when the week 'resets' - meaning that all 'only-can-do-once-a-week' raids and world bosses can be done again, I'll write myself a little checklist of what I want to get done that particular WoW week, complete with checkboxes :) (Yeh, I know, I'm really weird like that :P)

So right now, I'm trying to get a LOT of things done, hopefully before the new Patch 5.4 coming out September 10 :) So without further ado, here's my WoW checklist of things I'd like to get done soon, or that are at least, on my long-term goal WoW list (more realistic goals here since super rare mounts like Invincible's Reins (ICC) or Mimiron's Head (Ulduar) are extremely hard to obtain ^_^)


- All 4 current Pandaria World Boss mounts: that includes Sha of Anger, Galleon, Nalak and Oondasta (a 'World Boss Tour' only takes about 30 minutes, so it's not a big hassle :)

- The Blue and Azure Drakes from the Eye of Eternity raid (both 10m and 25m)

- Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake that can be found in the Stonecore Cataclysm dungeon

- Jade Primordial Direhorn (you can get it from a hard-to-kill Zandalari Warbringer)

- Reins of the Grand Black War Mammoth from Vault of Archavon (aka the Wintergrasp raid instance): luckily the mount can drop from all four of the bosses inside, so there's 4 chances to get it per week :D More if you have alts!


- Spawn of G'nathus: this cute little pet can be obtained through killing a huge pink worm thingy swimming underwater (you can check out a previous post where me and my Guild were fighting the 'dad' :)


- Mr. Smite's Brass Compass: if you've ever seen someone in a dungeon or a raid turn into an angry yaungol and yell, "YOU THERE! CHECK OUT THAT NOISE!", that's what that trinket does :D

- Krastinov's Bag of Horrors: "THE DOCTOR IS IN!"... Turns you into a crazy scientist with blood going everywhere, SOOO cool! (ah, yeh, that sounded wrong haha) Unfortunately, it drops off a rare in the Heroic Scholomance instance, and 9/10 times (don't quote me on that), the rare won't spawn. Still, I'll get it one day ^_^

- Elixir of Ancient Knowledge: An item that increases your levelling experience by 300% for 1 hour... need I say more? :P It can also be given to anyone on your account, so need an 'alt' to level? No problem :) Only one slight drawback to this item... it doesn't persist through death ^_^

- Shado-Pan Geyser Gun: Lets you spray friend and enemies alike with a jet of water! Pretty tricky to get, since it involves a particular Throne of Thunder raid instance, and running back and forth trying to get 250 'buffs' worth of sprayed water :)


- Celestial Challenge (Legendary Pandaria questline) - I don't need to tell you I'm still trying to beat that Wrathion challenge I mentioned earlier in my blog, but, the good thing is I got further than I ever did a few days ago, which was good :) I might try it again when I'm up to the challenge (pun intended).

- Thunderfury (Molten Core) - Been running the Molten Core raid for a few solid years now, and the legendary quest tells your character to retrieve two halves of a weapon, so you can combine it and fight some angry dude for the actual legendary weapon. (There are some other items you need, but the halves are the challenge here) Unfortunately, I've only got one half, and the boss that drops the other one (Garr) doesn't want to give it up, no matter how many times I kill him :P

- Shadowmourne (Icecrown Citadel) - So I've already got this legendary weapon on my main, but since the quest line was so fun 1st time around, and, the character now getting it is a Death Knight, it seemed fitting to deck him out with a cool as weapon (not to mention it'll go great with my finished transmog set!) There are a lot of quests in the chain: collecting Primordial Saronite's, 3 different kinds of infusions, haha, even souls from fallen enemies :) But the biggest grind is collecting 50 Shadowfrost Shards, which can only be collected from ICC bosses, they only drop ONE, and they don't always drop them. Just finished it for the week and I'm at 20/50, so 30 to go ^_^

- Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury (aka the Leg. Sunwell Plateau bow) - Gotta give credit to some of great WoW friends and guildies for helping me out here, since even though it's a Level 70 raid, I still need help with a few bosses in there. Thori'dal drops from the end boss in Sunwell, Kil'jaeden. I'm certain him and Garr have come to some understanding and laugh it up when I don't get their respective legendary items haha.


Astragoth - I've had my main character decked out in the latest purple and green warrior gear for some time now, so he's all good :)

Hashut - Only missing two pieces for this guy's transmog and I'm done. Need the Shoulder Tier token from a boss in Heroic Dragon Soul, and a belt that drops in either one of two raids (Bastion of Twilight, or Blackwing Descent).

Lammasu - I finished with this guy a few weeks ago, and he looks absolutely great for a mage, even going so far as to give him a new haircut to match his outfit :P I'll be showing him off in my next blog post :)

Naggrund - Need four bits for him. 2H axe (that drops from the 1st boss in ICC and requires luck on my loot roll :), cape and boots, which I found out for the latter can be purchased with Justice Points, and either the Tier Shoulder token in Bastion of Twilight or the lookalike shoulders that drop from trash mobs in the same raid.

Dawizharr - My just-reached Level 70-locked twink character (meaning he won't be gaining anymore XP as of now, and I'll be gearing him with Lvl 70 Sunwell gear :) Gotta grind the raid for the gear I need, then I can post a picture here :)


Well, if you've gotten to this point in the blog post, thanks so much for reading this! :) I'll keep the list updated in a new blog post when I've completed any of these goals, or changed them around if it comes to it ^_^

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