Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Two Pans'

So with my copy of Mists of Pandaria and Borderlands 2 hopefully being shipped to me next week, I thought I'd give my opinions on both games and list the things I'm really excited about :)

Even though I don't have the Mists expansion yet, I've been playing with the all-new Pet Battle System, and levelling up my pets! Before Mists was released, my pets were just that, content to stay by my side as I fought, leveled and experienced Azeroth as a whole.

But now that the Pet Battle System is out, my non-combat pets are now combat ones. No longer will they stand there while I get all the glory, now they can join in the fray WOO! Or at least, kill other creatures their size ^_^

I have my 3 favourite pets - Rocky (Pebble), Moonbeam (Feline Familiar), and George (Singing Sunflower), all at Level 6, as I still try to level them up, while at the same time trying to get a few more pets leveled up alongside my favourite pets.

The great thing about the PBS is definitely the collecting part. There are so many different types of creatures around the world you can collect, and I definitely want to catch them all!

Yes, this all does sound a LOT like Pokemon, the pet collecting and battling game that started all the way back in the 90's. There are a lot of similarities like reviving and restoring health to pets (Pokemon Centre's :P), and even Master Trainers around the WoW world (I just call them Pokemon Trainers hehe), who you can battle and try to defeat them!

I must admit, the whole pet battling and collecting system sounded really dumb to me, but now? I'm HOOKED! ^_^

As for Borderlands 2, since I don't even have the game yet, I've been replaying Borderlands 1 and its 3 DLC (I've left out the Mad Moxxi DLC since its not a part of the story), in preparation for when I get no.2 :)

So far, I've played through Playthrough 1 of the original Borderlands game, Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (the 1st DLC). and have to level up on Playthrough 2 of B1 before I can start playing The Secret Armory of General Knoxx (the 3rd DLC - Mad Moxxi is DLC 2).

Only 3 more levels to go before I can start DLC #3!

True, I really only have to play through Borderlands 1 once to start playing Borderlands 2, but I thought I'd give myself a whole refresher course on all things Pandora! (Pandora being the world of Borderlands by the way ^_^)

So the real question is, which world should I explore first? Pandaria or Pandora?

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